Saturday 23 March 2013

Prayer for Healing

Creator God

I pray for healing for my family and friends,
I pray for healing for all who suffer from sickness of body, mind or spirit,
I pray for healing for all who suffer from man-made or natural disasters,
I pray for healing for all who suffer from war or conflict.
I pray for all who are in transition to your eternal dwelling-place.
I pray for all who mourn the passing of a loved one.

Lord of Light, enlighten us, ignite the spark within to grow into a flame of love sufficient to illumine the world.
Lord of Love, allow your Divine Love to pour in abundance into and through us to heal the earth.
Lord of Healing, spread your balm upon the earth so that all in need may know your healing rays and be joined in peace.
Lord of Peace, teach us to be at peace with ourselves, with others and with the beautiful universe.

Encircled by Love, embraced by Healing allow us to be beacons of Light and Peace, at one with you and your Divine Law.
These gifts we ask for ourselves and for everyone we acknowledge as sisters and brothers in Spirit.
Use us as ambassadors of your truth so that your Divine Spirit is awakened in all.

Help us, we pray, in our endeavours in Love and Compassion for all creation.
For those who suffer, mercy Lord, hear their pain, be it physical mental or spiritual.

Bless us with the presence of your Angels of Light,Love, Peace and Healing and allow us to be awakened to the power and presence of your Divine Spirit.


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