Tuesday 4 June 2013

The Holy Spirit

In the beginning all was void, and into the void came the sound; the Eternal Om.  The energy and vibration of sound was joined by the vibration and energy of light.  So sound and light were created for the foundation of the universe.  The Creator Spirit evolved all that is, so the Spirit of the Creator is in all things that are.  We are truly the sons and daughters of God (if that is the word you choose to use), but I prefer the Native American Indian concept of the Great Spirit - Divine Spirit.

Think of the universe, if you will, as an Ocean which is composed of unimaginable trillions of drops each created by the Divine, each infused by that Eternal breath of life. The Holy Spirit (Divine Spirit) is in all things and of all things. Every rock, grain of sand, drop of water, every creature and every human form.

The Holy Spirit is the sound, the light, the breath, the very being of all that is.  No life is life without it; but the elements (which are also infused) are of our Mother Earth bound to, and to the earth return - the Holy Spirit is eternal and continues in the Ocean of Spirit after earthly life.  This enables some to touch on earthly lives past and to infuse lives to come as within an Ocean the drops are mingled.

All of this is also infused with the great Love of the Great Spirit, so some say God is Love, so we who recognise the Spirit in all things also recognise the manifestation of God's Love in all things.

There is nothing that is created that is evil; evil is a manifestation of the free will of humankind, a temptation of opposites to educate the Spirit within each human being to recognise the Goodness and Love of the Creator.

The Holy Spirit is the force, the spark, the very being of God in everyone and everything.  If we are still we will recognise and acknowledge it in ourselves first so that we will recognise it in all that is and in that recognition we will grow ever nearer to the Eternal One.

Sent as an answer to Ashley when he asked me what I understood the Holy Spirit to be.


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