Wednesday 20 February 2013

The Hermetica

These are writings attributed to Hermes whose wisdom was considered to be so vast that it earned him the title of 'Trismegistus' meaning thrice great. He was an Egyptian sage who lived around 3000BC.
This philosophy influenced many great thinkers over the ages including the early Christians.
'In the Hermetica God utters a Word that calms the chaos of creation, this Word is even called 'The Son of God'.'  The 4th. century theologian St.Augustine wrote in 'Retractions'.

" That which is called the Christian religion existed among the ancients, and never did not exist, from the beginning of the human race until Christ came in the flesh, at which time the true religion which already existed began to be called Christianity."

In Praise of Atum

In a place open to the sky, facing west at the hour of sunset or east at sunrise.  I pray that the Cosmos be flung open to me and that all nature may receive the sound of my psalms.
Open, great earth, and trees, silence your waving boughs, for I am about to sing the praise of the One and All.  Justice, praise the the just through me.  Goodness, praise the good through me.  Truth, praise the true through me. Selflessness, praise the All through me.
It is your words that through me sing your praises - for all comes from you and all returns to you.
Accept these pure offerings of speech from a heart and soul uplifted.  You of whom no words can tell, no tongue can speak, and only silence can declare.
I thank you with a brimming heart, for it is only by your grace that I see your light and come to know you.  I you whose name no man knows.  You whom we honour with the title 'Atum', because you are our master.  You whom we call 'Father', because you have shown in all your acts towards us the loving kindness and warm affection that a father feels.  No - your love is greater than a father's love, for you have given us the gifts of Mind and Speech and Knowledge.  Mind, so that we may approach you.  Speech, that we may call to you.  Knowledge, so that we may experience you - finding our salvation in your Light and becoming filled with bliss.
We can thank you only by learning to know your greatness.

Language is inadequate.  The gods sing a hymn of silence, and I am silently singing.

( Atum - one of the Ancient Egyptian names for the 'Supreme One-God'. )

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