Sunday 20 January 2013


Yesterday [19th.January] whilst performing my morning ablutions I was reminded of Roy Algar.  I met Roy when I was a house parent at Delrow House, part of the Camphill Village Trust, he had come from Roundhay Hospital, Devizes, Wiltshire, for assessment and rehabilitation after his long incarceration there.  His notes said that he had been committed to the Hospital before WW2 under the Mental Health Act because a 'lady' on a bus claimed that "he had revealed himself".  He was deemed to be "feeble-minded and deviant".  During his incarceration he was subjected to every therapy that the doctors considered appropriate, the list was long and heart rending in it's barbarity.  I will not go into the circumstances of his death but they remain with me and still sadden me. This gentle man with his humble gratitude for the change to his lifestyle and the opportunity to experience  more homely surroundings made an impression on all who met him. His passing occurred only a few months after arriving at Delrow.
I remembered that I still had the only item, apart from a few clothes and toiletries, that he possessed, a paperback edition of Good News For Modern Man, The New Testament In Today's English Version, given to him by the Hospital Chaplain on St. Barnabas' Day 1974.  I had written in the date of his death, it was, 19th. January 1975. A fact that I had completely forgotten.
Whilst flicking through the Bible I came to piece of paper and my eyes were taken to the following:-
'I am the living one! I was dead, but look, I am alive for ever and ever.   I have authority over death and the world of the dead.'  Revelation, Chap.1, Verse 18.

Also in the bible was a scrap of paper with the following prayer on it :-

May our endeavours turn into strength.
May the light we received shine on as wisdom.
May the word we have spoken engender goodness,
When faithfully we serve the Spirit.

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